Goals + Vision

There’s quite a lot that we want to do! For one, we want to explain complex issues in a way that’s not intimidating but still shows journalistic rigor. We also want to learn all about different places, shining light on their issues and documenting the world. Plus, we’d like to give a human touch to every abstract topic we cover. And while doing all that, we want to have fun and share that with our audience. It’s a tall order, and we’re going to learn a lot through trial and error. But we’re here for the plot!

Who are we?

  • Ali Haleem

    Hello! I’m a Co-Founder here. I do everything from reporting to clerical tasks. I’m a first year political science major at THE Ohio State University.

  • Kat Wright

    Hi! I’m the other Co-Founder and a first-year EEDS major at Ohio State. This is my first rodeo with journalism and I’m so excited to be a part of this!

  • Evan Meyer

    Evan’s been with The Rose City Cardinals from the very beginning. He’s helped with videography and generating ideas.